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This is a biography of Garth

Full Name; Troyal Garth Brooks

Date Of Birth; February 7th, 1962

Place Of Birth; Tulsa, Oklahoma

Garth grew up the youngest of six children and had a regular childhood just like any other child. It was when he reached college age that he thought he would like to try his hand at music, this decision did not sit well with his parents so they made a deal with him, if he went to college and earned himself a degree and still wanted to play music they would support his decision one hundred percent.

While at college Garth played his music any opportunity he had and like he promised his parents he earned a degree in Advertising. Well college was over and Garth was torn between Athletics and his Music, then came the deciding factor, on the radio Garth heard George Strait's song Unwound, it was from that moment on he knew he wanted to play COUNTRY MUSIC, he grew up listening to a wide variety of music including Kiss, Queen and James Taylor and he loved it all but hearing Unwound made him decide country music was for him to play.

While at college he worked as a bouncer to earn extra money, and it was while doing this he met his wife of ten years Sandy Brooks. For those who don't know he was working his regular shift and a fight had broken out in the ladies room, well Garth was sent in there to sort it out, upon entering the room he found three woman going at it, it was two against one, well Sandy was the one and she had started the fight so he was to remove her from the premises. She had punched a hole in the bathroom wall while in there so after leaving the premises Garth offered to take her home and from there the rest is history. Now they live just outside of Nashville and have three daughters, Taylor Maine Pearl, August Anna and Allie Colleen.

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